
Varkon Interactive users manual

Varkon context sensitive help system

To get help, press F1 or CTRL-a in any situation. You can also select a "Help"-button in any dialog window.

The Varkon interactive context sensitive help system is based on a large number of HTML files in $VARKON_DOC/GUI, one for each context. A context can be a menu, a function or a macro module. If a menu is active Varkon uses the menu number to decide which helpfile to display. If menu 48 is active Varkon will display m48.htm. If a function is active Varkon uses the number of the function. Function f127 will display f127.htm. If a module is active Varkon uses the name of the module to decide which helpfile to display.

In order to display helpfiles the "html_viewer"-resource line in the Varkon ini-file must be set to a proper HTML viewer. In the default ini-files distributed with Varkon for UNIX this resource is set to a HTML viewer that should work in most cases. The Microsoft Windows version of Varkon defaults to InternetExplorer. You may have to edit the "html_viewer"-resource line in your ini-file if you want to use something else than default or if the default is not working.

If the "html_viewer"-resource in you ini-file is not set at all, Varkon will display an error message. Logo

Varkon 1.19D svn # 120M