
Varkon Interactive users manual

The Level dialog

Each entity in Varkon belongs to a specific level (or layer). Graphic viewing windows can display any combinations of up to 2000 individual layers and you use the level dialog to control which levels to display. When a new window is created all levels are visible by default. You can then blank or unblank levels as you wish individually in each window. This means that you can display different combinations of levels in different windows.

You can name a level if you want to. This way it is easier to remember which type of information that belongs to a specific level. If you give a name to a level the same name will be used for this level in all graphics windows.

The upper part of the level dialog is used to list the status of a selected range of levels. The default behaviour is to start with level 0 and then list as many additional levels as will fit in the window. To list another range of levels, enter the range in the range input field as first-last (no spaces) and press Apply. If you enter 5-10 for example, and press Apply, level 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 will be selected.

For each level in the list you can enter a name. You can also blank or unblank (display) the level by pressing the plus or minus button to the right of the name. In the example above, 15 levels are listed. The first 4 levels have names and all levels are visible except level 2 and 3.

You can also select a range by entering a name in the name input field and pressing Apply. Names may be entered using wildcards. The default value is * which is equal to all levels (that have names). El* will list all levels with a name starting with letters El etc. Other valid combinations are *text and *text*.

Use All used to list all levels that are used in the current model.

To close the view dialog press Close. To display this help press Help Logo

Varkon 1.19D svn # 120M