Varkon Interactive users manual
The menu window is automatically created when a job is started and persists until you exit Varkon. It is divided into three parts. The upper part changes when you make menu selections. The two lower parts are always the same.
The upper part is used to display menu alternatives. When you select an alternative from a menu (by leftclicking the mouse or entering the first letter(s) from the keyboard) a new menu is displayed. The new menu persits until you make a new selection or return to the previous menu by pressing the right mouse button anywhere in the menu window or the RETURN key on the keyboard.
You can click the middle mouse button anywhere in the menu window or press the TAB key on the keyboard at any time to return directly to Varkon's main menu.
The middle part of the menu window is used to access some of the more common functions in Varkon.
The lower part of the menu window is used to select which method to use when you enter a position. The rel button changes the behaviour of the other buttons by adding a relative distance.
You can alter the default position of the menu window by creating your own ini file. See the Ini-files section of the System administrators manual and the Ini-files section of the Application developers manual.
The menus displayed in the menu window are defined in external text files. See the Menu files section of the Application developers manual for more information on menu files.
Some of Varkons menus have their own documentation pages. You can access the doc page of a menu by pressing F1 or <CTRL>a while the menu is visible in the menu window.
Varkon 1.19D svn # 120M