VARKON Version 1.15 1997-12-29
arc_1pos - Geometric procedure
Creates an arc
Creates a circular arc with specified origin and radius. An optional start and end angle may be specified.
arc_1pos(id, p, r, start, end:attributes);
REF id; VECTOR p; FLOAT r; FLOAT start; FLOAT end;
Principal parameters
id - Local identity p - Arc centre r - Radius
Optional parameters
start - Start angle, default = 0 end - End angle, default = 360
PEN - Pen or colour number LEVEL - Level number BLANK - Visible(0) or invisible(1) AFONT - Solid(0), dashed(1) or centerline(2) ADASHL - Dashlength WIDTH - Linewidth
arc_1pos(#1,vec(10,10),20, ,90);
Creates the first quarter of a circle with centre in X=Y=10 and radius 20. A default value of 0 is taken for the start angle and 90 is used for the end angle.
The sense of direction for an arc is counterclockwise from start to end. The positive X-axis represents an angle of zero degrees. Angles may be given as negative or positive values but start should always be smaller then end.
In a 3D module the resulting arc is restricted to the XY-plane of the active coordinate system. If p is not in this plane ( p.z <> 0) p is projected along the Z-axis (p.z is set to zero) before the arc is created.