VARKON Version 1.15 1997-10-24
call_dll_function - Procedure
Calls a dll function
Calls a function in a previousley loaded dll (Dynamic Link Library). This procedure makes it possible to call programs written in other languages from MBS and optionally pass upp to 3 string parameters as input.
call_dll_function() is only useful in VARKON for Windows95. MBS-programs including the call_dll_function() will compile and run without errors on all platforms but not actually call a function on other platforms than Windows95/NT.
call_dll_function(dll, func, str1, str2, str3)
STRING dll STRING func; STRING str1, str2, str3;
Principal parameters
dll - The name (and path) of the dll library file. Name must be given in exactly the same way as when the library was loaded. Case is significant. func - The name of the function in the dll to call.
Optional parameters
str1 - A string (char * in C) that will be sent as parameter 1 to func. str2 - A string (char * in C) that will be sent as parameter 2 to func. str3 - A string (char * in C) that will be sent as parameter 3 to func.
call_dll_function("C:\MYLIB\MYDLL.DLL", "my_func");
Calls the my_func function in the MYDLL library previousley loaded from the C:\MYLIB directory. No input is specified.
call_dll_function("C:\MYLIB\MYDLL.DLL", "my_func", "my_input");
Calls the same function but with the adress of the string "my_input" as input.
Naming conventions for functions in dll's differ between different programming languages. Consult your documentation to find out what name to use.
No return value is expected from the called function.