VARKON Version 1.15 1997-12-29
cur_conarr - Geometric procedure
Creates a curve
Creates a rational cubic parametric segmented curve that interpolates two or more defining positions and tangent positions. This routine does the same job as cur_conic but takes its input in a more sutiable for applications with large or varying number of defining positions. See cur_conic for more information.
cur_conarr(id, type, npos, p, tp, mpflag, pval, midp:attributes);
REF id; STRING type*4; INT npos; VECTOR p(npos); VECTOR tp(npos); STRING mpflag(npos-1)*1; FLOAT pval(npos-1); VECTOR midp(npos-1);
Principal parameters
id - Local identity type - The string "FREE" or "PROJ" npos - Number of defining positions p - Array with npos positions tp - Array with npos tangent positions mpflag - Array with "P":s or "M":s indicating P-value or Midpoint method pval - Array with P-values midp - Array with Midpoints
Optional parameters
PEN - Pen or colour number LEVEL - Level number BLANK - Visible(0) or invisible(1) CFONT - Solid(0), dashed(1) or centerline(2) CDASHL - Dashlength WIDTH - Linewidth
If an element of mpflag is "P" the the corresponding element of pval must be a valid P-value. For elements in mpflag that are "M" the corresponding element of midp must also be valid.