VARKON Version 1.16 1998-09-21

cur_int - Geometric procedure

Creates a curve


Creates the curve of intersect between a surface and a plane or between two planes. The plane can be defined as a b_plane or as the XY-plane of a coordinate system.


cur_int(id, surf, plane, branch:attributes);

REF id;
REF surf;
REF plane;
INT branch;

Principal parameters

id - Local identity
surf - ID of surface (or first coordinate system/b_plane)
plane - ID of coordinate system or b_plane

Optional parameters

branch - Requested curve branch. Default value = 1.


PEN - Pen or colour number
LEVEL - Level number
BLANK - Visible (0) or invisible (1)
CFONT - Solid (0), dashed (1), center line (2)
CDASHL - Dash length
WIDTH - Linewidth


cur_int(#3, #2, #1, 2);

Creates a curve #3 which is the intersect between #2 and #1. Requested curve branch is branch 2.


When both surfaces are of type FAC_SUR the resulting curve will be an unordered set of straight lines.

When both surfaces are bounded planes the output intersect becomes a straight line. The limits of the line will be defined by the polygons of the B-planes, i.e. the output line will be the common part of both planes. As options the first plane (branch= -1) or the second plane (branch= -2) define the limits.

If 1000 is added to the value of the branch parameter, ie. 1001 for branch 1 or 1002 for branch 2 etc. the UV-representation of the curve is displayed instead of the real R3 curve.

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