VARKON Version 1.15 1997-12-29
cur_iso - Geometric procedure
Creates a curve
Creates a curve with a constant parameter value on a surface. Such a curve is called an iso-parametric curve.
cur_iso(id, ref, uv_type, iso_v, s_v, e_v:attributes);
REF id; REF ref; STRING uv_type; FLOAT iso_v; FLOAT s_v; FLOAT e_v;
Principal parameters
id - Local identity ref - Surface uv_type - Type of iso-parameter curve (U or V) iso_v - Parameter value for the iso-parameter s_v - Curve start parameter value s_e - Curve end parameter value
Optional parameters
PEN - Pen or colour number LEVEL - Level number BLANK - Visible (0) or invisible (1) CFONT - Solid (0), dashed (1), center line (2) CDASHL - Dash length WIDTH - Linewidth
cur_iso(#3, #2, "U", 4.1, 1.1, 6.7);
Creates a curve #3, which has the constant parameter value U= 4.1 on surface #2. The curve starts in V= 1.1 and ends in point V= 6.7.
It is not possible to create an iso-parametric curve with steps between curve segments. All curves in Varkon must be continuous in position.