cur_splarr - Geometric procedure
Creates a curve
Creates a non rational cubic parametric segmented curve that interpolates two or more defining positions and optional tangents. This routine does the same job as cur_spline but takes its input in a more sutiable for applications with large or varying number of defining positions. See cur_spline for more information.
cur_splarr(id, type, npos, p, t:attributes);
REF id; STRING type*4; INT npos; VECTOR p(npos); VECTOR t(npos); Principal parameters
id - Local identity type - The string "FERGUSON", "CHORD" or "STIFFNESS" npos - Number of defining positions p - Array with npos positions Optional parameters
t - Array with npos tangents. Attributes
PEN - Pen or colour number LEVEL - Level number BLANK - Visible(0) or invisible(1) CFONT - Solid(0), dashed(1) or centerline(2) CDASHL - Dashlength WIDTH - Linewidth Comments
If the optional array of tangents is supplied as input all npos elements of the array must have valid values. Avalue of X=Y=Z=0 imples "tangent not defined". Such tangents will be calculated (splined) by the system.
For more details, see cur_spline().
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