VARKON Version 1.15 1997-10-24
getarc - Procedure
Get arc from GM
Reads arc data from GM. In the case of a 3D arc getarc also returns 1, 2, 3 or 4 arc segments.
getarc(id, font, dl, p, r, start, end, nseg, segdata)
REF id; INT font; FLOAT dl; VECTOR p; FLOAT r; FLOAT start; FLOAT end; INT nseg; FLOAT segdata(4,4,4);
Principal parameters
id - Global identity of an arc font - 0 = Solid, 1 = Dashed, 2 = Centerline dl - Dashlength if font = 1 or 2 p - Coordinates of arc center r - Arc radius start - Start angle end - End angle nseg - Number of segments. For a 2D arc ns = 0. segdata - nseg 4 by 4 matrixes with polynomial segment coefficients
Optional parameters
Each segment is a rational cubic with 0 to 1 parametrisation and the coefficients ordered as follows:
k0x k0y k0z k0w
k1x k1y k1z k1w
k2x k2y k2z k2w
k3x k3y k3z k3w
Se for example Faux and Pratt, "Computational Geometry for design and manufacture", page 144 for a further discussion on rational cubic parametric segments.