VARKON Version 1.15 1997-10-24

getsurh - Procedure

Get surface data header from GM


Reads a surface data header from GM.


getsurh (id, code, data)

REF id;
STRING code*10;
* data;

* Output type for data is INT for all cases except for code = "SDASHL" when data should be FLOAT.

Principal parameters

id - Global identity of a surface
code - Defines the data to be read
   Eq. NPATU:        Get number of topological patches in U-direction
   Eq. NPATV:        Get number of topological patches in V-direction
   Eq. FONT:           Get font for the surface
   Eq. SDASHL:       Get dash length for SFONT= 0
   Eq. SUR_TYPE:   Get surface type
                                 Eq. 0: MIX_SUR Surface with different kinds of patches
                                 Eq. 1: CUB_SUR Surface with only CUB_PAT patches
                                 Eq. 2: RAT_SUR Surface with only RAT_PAT patches
                                 Eq. 3: LFT_SUR Surface with only LFT_PAT patches
                                 Eq. 4: FAC_SUR Surface with only FAC_PAT facettes
                                 Eq. 5: CON_SUR Surface with only CON_PAT patches 
data - A variable to recieve the data

Optional parameters


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