VARKON Version 1.15 1997-12-29
lin_perp - Geometric procedure
Creates a line
Creates a line perpendicular to another line. The line can start in any position and have any length but the direction will always be perpendicular to the referenced line. With a positive value for length the new line will point to the right with respect to the referenced line and with a negative value for length the direction of the new line becomes opposite.
lin_perp(id, p, ref, len:attributes);
REF id; VECTOR p; REF ref; FLOAT len;
Principal parameters
id - Local identity p - Start position ref - Identity of perpendicular line len - Length
Optional parameters
PEN - Pen or colour number LEVEL - Level number BLANK - Visible(0) or invisible(1) LFONT - Solid(0), dashed(1) or centerline(2) LDASHL - Dashlength WIDTH - Linewidth
Creates a line starting in X=Y=0 perpendicular to the line #4. The direction of the new line is to the right with respect of the sense of direction for #4.
In a 3D module the resulting line is restricted to the XY-plane of the active coordinate system. If the start position p or the line ref is not in in this plane they will be projected along the Z-axis onto the XY-plane before being used to create the new line.
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