
Varkon MBS Programmers manual

set - Procedure


Changes the current value for one or more attributes. The new value will continue to be in effect as long as execution continues within this module or any modules called by this module.


  set(attribute = value, attribute = value,.......)

One or more attributes with value may be specified in the same call.


Name Type Max Min Default Description
PEN INT 32768 0 1 Pen or colour number
LEVEL INT 1999 0 0 Level number
WIDTH FLOAT - 0.0 0.0 Graphical width
BLANK INT 1 0 0 Visible/unvisible
HIT INT 1 0 1 Selectable/unselectable
SAVE INT 1 0 1 Save in DB/Don't save
PFONT INT 2 0 0 Pointfont
LFONT INT 3 0 0 Linefont
AFONT INT 2 0 0 Arcfont
CFONT INT 3 0 0 Curvefont
MFONT INT 4 0 0 Meshfont
TFONT INT - 0 0 Textfont
XFONT INT 2 0 0 Hatchfont
PSIZE FLOAT - 0.0 0.0 Point size
LDASHL FLOAT - >0.0 3.0 Dashlengt for lines
ADASHL FLOAT - >0.0 3.0 Dashlengt for arcs
CDASHL FLOAT - >0.0 3.0 Dashlengt for curves
SDASHL FLOAT - >0.0 3.0 Dashlengt for surfaces
NULINES INT - 0 1 Number of surface U-lines
NVLINES INT - 0 1 Number of surface V-lines
XDASHL FLOAT - >0.0 3.0 Dashlengt for hatching
TSIZE FLOAT - >0.0 5.0 Text size
TWIDTH FLOAT - >0.0 60 Text width
TSLANT FLOAT - - 15.0 Text slant
TPMODE INT 1 0 0 Text 3D mode
DTSIZ FLOAT - >0.0 5.0 Dim. text size
DASIZ FLOAT - >0.0 5.0 Dim. arrow size
DNDIG INT 15 0 0 Dim. precision
DAUTO INT 1 0 1 Dim. text on/off


  set(LFONT=1, LDASHL=15);

Activates linefont 1 (dashed) and sets its dashlength to 15 millimeters. From now on lines will be dashed with dashlength 15.

Note that you can also use attributes in geometric procedures and part calls:


Overrides the default attribute settings and creates a point with font 1, size 5 and level 7. No other entities are affected.


Loads my_part.MBO and executes the module with the default value of the PEN attribute set to 2. In effect the same as if the first line in the module was: set(PEN=2);


See also the set_basic() procedure which has the same syntax but basic effect. Logo

Varkon 1.19D svn # 120M