
Varkon MBS Programmers manual

str - Function


Converts an int or float value to a string of characters with optional formatting.


  s:=str(number, width, precision);

  string    s;
  int/float number;
  int       width;
  int       precision;

Principal parameters

number - The int or float value to convert.

Optional parameters

width - The number of character positions that will be used.
- If width is negative, characters will be left justified.
- If width is positive, characters will be right justified.
- If width is less than the characters needed, it is automatically increased.
- If width is larger than the characters needed, spaces are added.
precision - Controls the number of decimal places. A value of -1 gives E-notation.

Return value

A STRING value equal to the result of the conversion.


  s:=str(12345,1,0);     ! Eeual to s:="12345";
  s:=str(12345,10,0);    ! Equal to s:="     12345";
  s:=str(12345,-10,0);   ! Equal to s:="12345     ";
  s:=str(12345,-10,2);   ! Equal to s:="12345.00  ":
  s:=str(12345,-15,-1);  ! Equal to s:="1.234500e+04   ":
  s:="PI="+str(pi,1,5);  ! Equal to s:="PI=3.14159";

See also

rstr() Logo

Varkon 1.19D svn # 120M