text - Geometric procedure
Creates a graphical text
Creates a 2D- or 3D-text with variable position, direction, size, width, character slant and typeface (font). The text entity is a vector font type of text continously scalable and with the same appearance when printed as when displayed on screen (true type). In 3D the textplane orientation can be controlled by the TPMODE attribute.
text(id, p, dir, str:attributes);
REF id; VECTOR p; FLOAT dir; STRING str; Principal parameters
id - Local identity p - Lower left corner of first character in text dir - Direction, counterclockwise angle from positive X-axis active coordinate system str - Text string of characters Optional parameters
None. Attributes
PEN - Pen or colour number LEVEL - Level number BLANK - Visible(0) or invisible(1) TSIZE - Textsize, the height of a capital l "A" TWIDTH - Textwidth in % of TSIZE TSLANT - Character slant in % of 45 degrees TFONT - Font number TPMODE - Text plane display mode, 0 or 1 WIDTH - Linewidth Examples
text(#2,vec(10,10),0,"Hello everybody !":TSIZE=20);
Creates a size 20 horisontal text with identity = #2 in X = Y = 10.
6 fonts are delivered with the system. Font 0 is default. Font 1 is serif and more "beautiful" but also slower. Font 2 is and font 3 are non serif and serif fonts conforming to the ISO8859 characterset and font 4 and font 5 are the non serif and serif fonts conforming to the PC characterset. Click below to see what they look like:
Customized fonts can be created using the font editor supplied with the system.
TFONT=0 Default font
TFONT=1 Serif version of font 0
TFONT=3 Serif version of font 2
TFONT=5 Serif version of font 4In 3D the TPMODE attribute controls the orientation of the plane in which the text is displayed. TPMODE = 0 (default) always displays the text in the plane of the screen (fully readable in all views). TPMODE = 1 displays the text as a "true" 3D entity in the XY-plane of the coordinate system that was active when the text was created.
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