VARKON Version 1.15 1997-10-24

updp_mbs - Procedure

Update simple statement


Updates a parameter in a statement defining a simple entity and reevaluates the statement or the active module.


updp_mbs(id, parnum, parstr, mode)

REF id;
INT parnum;
STRING parstr*132;
INT mode;

Principal parameters

id - Identity of entity whose deinition to update
parnum - Relative position of parameter to update, first = 1
parstr - New parameter as a string in MBS syntax

Optional parameters

mode - Controls the amount of reevaluation, default = 0
   0 = Reevaluate the statement but if referenced, reevaluate entire module
   1 = Reevaluate the statement only
   2 = No reevaluation 


If a statement originally was...

lin_free(#5, on(#2), intersect(#1, #3));

then a

updp_mbs(#5, 2, "vec(10,10)");

would change the statement into...

lin_free(#5, on(#2), vec(10,10));


Use updpp_mbs() (two p:s) to update a part() statement.

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