Release notes for VARKON version 1.17D
A new MBS procedure SUR_CURVES() has been added. SUR_CURVES creates a surface by interpolating a number of curves.
The STL import filter has been enhanced and now automatically checks if the STL-file is in ASCII or binary .
The 32Mb size limit for RES-files is now removed. In earlier versions of Varkon the system crashed if the model increased in size past the 32Mb limit. This change makes RES-files created by version 1.17C and earlier incompatible with 1.17D. VARKON will notice if you try to load an old RES-file and ask you to run the active model to create a new one. Doing so will create a RES-file in 1.17D .
A new MBS procedure CUR_NURBSARR() has been added. CUR_NURBSARR() creates a NURBS-curve of arbitrary order from controlpoints and a node vector. Controlpoints may be rational.
A new class of MBS functions and procedures that enable users to communicate using TCP/IP has been added. Using MBS you can now connect to another computer through TCP/IP and send or receive data.
Makefiles for FreeBSD has been added and some code modified accordingly. This is a contribution by Pedro F. Giffuni. Thankyou Pedro.