Release notes

Release notes 1.19B

Release notes for Varkon 1.19B

Varkon 1.19B is a big step towards a completely new graphical user interface (GUI) with new functionality and new "feel and look". The new GUI is based on new dialog windows and new types of graphical windows. Varkon 1.19B is released in order to get feedback on the changes made so far. We hope to continue the development of the new GUI and aim on a new major release Varkon 2.0 later on. This means that Varkon 1.19B will only be available for Unix/Linux. We do not plan to release 1.19B for Microsoft Windows. It also means that the documentation is not 100% updated. We do feel however that 1.19B is much easier to use than previous versions of Varkon and we hope that you will not hesitate to try it out. Please give us all feedback you can, it's a great help in the development.

Here are some features of the new GUI:

Varkon 1.19B also includes:

Here are some things we have removed from the system:

And finally a few known bugs:

Good Luck

The CAD research group
Department of Technology
Orebro University
S-70182 Orebro

Varkon 1.19D svn # 120M