Varkon System administrators manual
Varkon can only be started by executing a start script
that sets up an environment for Varkon to function properly.
The default start scripts in the Varkon distribution are
located in $VARKON_ROOT/com/english
It is possible to edit the default start scripts but if you need to make changes it is better to make a copy of the default start script, edit the copy and put it somwhere else (outside the Varkon file tree). You might even need several different scripts to start Varkon in different configurations.
A start script always begins by defining an environment variable named VARKON_ROOT. VARKON_ROOT is a symbolic name for the root directory of your Varkon installation. If you create your own start script it is important to check that the definition of VARKON_ROOT points to the right location. The default definition will not work if you move the start script to a new location. Here are some lines from a default start script:
# Root directory for VARKON installation. # Alternative 1, relative path. VARKON_ROOT=`(cd $(dirname $0); cd ..; cd ..; pwd)` # Alternative 2, explicit path. # VARKON_ROOT=/home/username/varkon/varkon_2.Xx export VARKON_ROOT
As you see from the comments, the default definition of VARKON_ROOT is relative to the location of the script. If you make a copy of the default script and move the script (which we recommend) to a place away from the Varkon installation, you should use the second alternative. This is what it would look like if you do that:
# Root directory for VARKON installation. # Alternative 1, relative path. #VARKON_ROOT=`(cd $(dirname $0); cd ..; cd ..; pwd)` # Alternative 2, explicit path. VARKON_ROOT=the_actual_path_to_your_varkon_installation export VARKON_ROOT
With this done, you can store your new start script anywhere you like and use it sto start Varkon. Why not also associate it with an Icon on your desktop ? Note that if you move your Varkon installation or install a new version of Varkon you will need to set VARKON_ROOT in all your start scripts to point to the new Varkon installation. Obviousley, you can also use different start scripts to start different versions of Varkon.
The rest of the start script defines a number of additional environment variables. Check the Environment variables section for details. You will sooner or later probably want to edit some of them as well. The last line of the start script starts the Varkon executable with a number of command line parameters. See the Command line parameters section for information about command line parameters. One of the parameters is the ini-file. Editing ini-files (or supplying custom ini-files) is also a way to customize your system. See Ini-files for more information about ini-files.
Varkon 1.19D svn # 120M