
VARKON - 6 min tutorial

Modules and RES-files

Varkon is used to create gemetric models. Some people may call them parts, drawings or just models. There are also different types of models, 2D, 3D, wireframe, surface and solid and so on. In Varkon you can create 2D and 3D wireframe and surface models and you can do it in two ways:

  1. Directly. This is called explicit modeling. The result will be a RES-file.

  2. Indirectly, by first creating a module and then let the module create the RES-file. This is called generic modeling. The result will be a MBO-file (module) and a RES-file.

The first method is the easiest to learn. The second method takes a little longer, but once there you will be able to do much more. This tutorial will show you how to use Varkon in generic mode. Doing so, you will also learn a lot about explicit modeling.

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Varkon 1.19D svn # 120M