Varkon Interactive users manual
Two types of graphical windows
The Varkon developers are currently implementing a new type of
graphical viewing window that is planned to replace
the older type default graphics window sometime in the future.
For this reason Varkon 1.19 includes two types of
graphical viewing windows, (1)the older type based on X11
graphics and (2)the newer type window which is based on OpenGL graphics
and supports shaded images of surfaces with dynamic zoom, pan
and rotation. With Varkon 1.19 you can use single or multiple
graphical windows of both types simultaneousley. Use menu/view
to create additional graphical viewing windows.
The default graphics window based on X11
The default graphics viewing window has a toolbar with 9 buttons
along the top edge. At its bottom edge it has a scrolling message_and_ command
The buttons are:
- Fit a Rectangle to the Window.
This is the zoom function. Move the cursor to any position in the window,
press the left mouse button, hold the button down, move the cursor to
the diagonally opposite corner of the rectangular area that you want
to enlarge then release the mouse button.
- Fit the Model to the Window.
This button automatically scales and orients the model so that it will fit
the size of the window.
- Set the Scale to Any Value.
This button lets you enter the desired true display scale factor as a number. A larger
number gives a larger image. Scale = 1.0 displays the model in its true size.
- Move the Model with the Mouse.
This is the pan function. Move the cursor to any position in the window,
press the left mouse button, hold the button down, move the cursor to a
new position then release the mouse button. Varkon will move the model
the same distance and direction as if the position where you
pressed the button was moved to the position where it was released.
- Return to the Previous view.
This button resets the scale, pan and viewing direction to the state
it had before the current state. You can go one step back, not more.
- Create, Edit, or Activate Views.
This button activates the view dialog to manipulate the
current viewing direction. It can also be used to save or delete viewing
directions with names. See the View dialog.
- Grid Settings.
This button activates the grid dialog to manipulate
the current grid settings. See the Grid dialog.
- Blank, Unblank, or List Levels.
This button activates the levels dialog to manipulate the
current levels settings. See the Level dialog.
- Print this Window (Or Set Printer Parameters).
This button activates the print dialog. The print dialog is used to
print the model or to configure the settings of a printer. See the
Print dialog.
The scrolling message_and_ command window along the bottom edge of the
default graphics viewing window is used by Varkon to display messages
of different kinds. You can also use it to enter macro commands. See the
message section.
The new graphics window based on OpenGL
The new graphics window only has 6 buttons along the top edge.
At the bottom edge it has the same scrolling message_and_ command
window as the older type default window.
The buttons are:
- Fit a Rectangle to the Window.
This is the zoom function. Move the cursor to any position in the window,
press the left mouse button, hold the button down, move the cursor to
the diagonally opposite corner of the rectangular area that you want
to enlarge then release the mouse button.
- Fit the Model to the Window.
This button automatically scales and orients the model so that it will fit
the size of the window.
- Display wireframe model.
This button displays the model in wireframe mode. Surfaces are displayed
using their boundary curves and optional iso curves.
- Display shaded model.
This button displays the model in shaded mode. Surfaces are rendered with
light and color.
- Create, Edit, or Activate Views.
This button activates the view dialog to manipulate the
current viewing direction. It can also be used to save or delete viewing
directions with names. See the View dialog.
- Blank, Unblank, or List Levels.
This button activates the levels dialog to manipulate the
current levels settings. See the Level dialog.
To rotate the model in the OpenGL graphics viewing window, move the mouse
while pressing the middle mouse button. To zoom the model (up or down) move the
mouse while pressing the middle mouse button and the CTRL key. To move
the model (pan) move the mouse while pressing the middle mouse button and the
SHIFT key.
The scrolling message_and_ command window along the bottom edge of the
new OpenGL graphics viewing window is used by Varkon to display messages
of different kinds. You can also use it to enter macro commands. See the
message section.
Varkon 1.19D svn #