Varkon MBS Programmers manual
Name | Description | Category |
unblank | Unblanks an entity | Viewing and graphics |
unblank_level | Unblanks a level | Viewing and graphics |
unique_filename | Creates a filename | File |
unload_dll | Unloads a loaded dll library | Miscellaneous |
updhdr | Updates entity header | Database |
updp_mbs | Update parameter | Module manipulation |
updpp_mbs | Update part parameter | Module manipulation |
upd_edit | Update edit string | User interfacce |
vec | Cartesian coordinates | Geometrical |
vecl | Length of a vector | Geometrical |
vecn | Normalizes a vector | Geometrical |
vecp | Polar coordinates | Geometrical |
vprod | Vector product | Geometrical |
wait_win | Waits for event | User interface |
xhatch | Hatch | Create |
Varkon 1.19D svn # 120M