VARKON Version 1.16 1998-04-27

all_int_lin_msur - Function

Calculates all intersects between a line and multiple surfaces


This function calculates all intersects between a line and multiple surfaces. It is basically the same routine as all_int_lin_sur() but with the difference that it operates on a set of surfaces instead of one single surface.

all_int_lin_sur() should be used when only one surface is involved and you want to speed up computations by supplying an approximate start value. all_int_lin_msur() does not take a start value as input.

all_int_lin_msur() should be used when multiple surfaces are involved. It will then compute faster than if all_int_lin_sur() was called indivudually for each surface.


all_int_lin_msur(sur_in, nsur, p, v, order, nint, uv, xyz, sur_out)

REF sur_in();
INT nsur;
INT order;
INT nint;
VECTOR uv( );
VECTOR xyz( );
REF sur_out( );

Principal parameters

su_in - Array of surface id:s
nsur - Number of surfaces
p - Line start position
v - Direction of the line
order - Method for the ordering of intersect points.
   Ordering is always with respect to the distance to the input R*3 point p
   but solution points will be omitted for the different cases.
   Eq. 1: All intersect points 
   Eq. 2: Only intersect points in the v (shooting) direction
   Eq. 3: As 2 but only intersect points with surface normals that have the same direction as
             the v vector (the shooting direction)
   Eq. 4: As 2 but only intersect points with surface normals that are in the opposite
             direction as the v vector (the shooting direction)
   Eq. 5: As 3 but the number of solutions will be zero ( 0 ) if the first solution   point has a
             surface normal that is in the opposite direction compared to vector v (the shooting
   Eq. 6: As 3 but the number of solutions will be zero ( 0 ) if the first solution point has a
             surface normal that is in the same direction as the vector v 
nint - Number of output intersects.

Optional parameters

uv - Array with output (U,V)-values
xyz - Array with corresponding R*3 (X,Y,Z)-values
sur - Array with corresponding surface id:s


REF sur_in(2);
INT nint;
VECTOR uv (10);

sur_in(1) := #5;
sur_in(2) := #35;

all_int_lin_msur(sur_in, 2, vec(100,20,30), vec(1,0,0), 2, nint, uv);

Calculates all intersects between the line defined by point (100,20,30) and the vector (1,0,0)
and the surfaces #5 and #35. All nint intersects in the shooting direction are returned in uv.

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