Varkon MBS Programmers manual
MBS name | Description |
all_int_lin_msur | All intersects line/multiple surface |
all_int_lin_sur | All intersects line/surface |
all_inv_on_sur | Inverse on surface, all soutions |
angle | Angle |
arcl | The length of an entity |
area | Area projected by a bounded region |
centre | Centre of curvature |
cgrav | Center of gravity |
curv | The curvature of an entity |
endp | The end position of a line, arc or curve |
eval | Evaluate coordinates and derivatives |
global_ref | Creates global reference |
intersect | Intersect position |
inv_arcl | Inverse arclength |
inv_curv | Inverse curvature |
inv_on | Inverse on |
inv_on_sur | Inverse on surface |
inv_tang | Inverse tangent |
mode_basic | Activates basic coordinate system |
mode_global | Activates global coordinate system |
mode_local | Activates local coordinate system |
norm | Normal of entity |
n_cur_int | Number of intersect curves |
n_intersect | Number of intersect positions |
on | A position on an entity |
pca | 4x4 matrix with set of points |
pos_in_cone | Tests if positions are inside or outside a cone |
refc | Converts integers to ref |
section_area | Area bounded by 3D curve |
sort_mesh | Sort mesh faces in X, Y or Z direction |
startp | The start position of a line, arc or curve |
surface_area | Area of 3D surface |
tang | The tangent of an entity |
tform_inv | Inverse transformation |
tform_mult | Multiplication of two transformation matrices |
trim | Clips or extends entity |
vec | Cartesian coordinates |
vecl | Length of vector |
vecn | Normalises vector |
vecp | Polar coordinates |
vprod | Vector product |
Varkon 1.19D svn # 120M