VARKON Version 1.15 1997-10-24

get_view - Procedure

Returns view data


Returns information about the view currently active in a certain window.


get_view(window, name, scale, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, tform, dist)

INT window;
STRING name*15;
FLOAT scale;
FLOAT xmin;
FLOAT ymin;
FLOAT xmax;
FLOAT ymax;
FLOAT tform(4,4);
FLOAT dist;

Principal parameters

window - The window containing the view to read. The main window is always window 0.
name - View name
scale - Current scale
xmin - Left extent
ymin - Lower extent
xmax - Right extent
ymax - Upper extent
tform - A 4X4 transformation matrix
dist - Perspective distance. 0 = Parallell projection

Optional parameters


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