
Varkon MBS Programmers manual

Viewing and graphics routines

MBS name Description
act_view Activates view
blank Blanks an entity
blank_level Blanks a level
cacc_view Sets curve accuracy
cen_view Moves view
cre_color Defines RGB-color
cre_light Creates a light source
cre_material Creates a material
cre_view Creates view
erase_view Erases view
get_color Get the RGB color value of a pen
get_level Returns level data
get_light Returns lightsource data
get_material Get the material color values of a pen
get_view Returns view data
grid_view Turns grid on/off
gridx_view Sets grid position
gridy_view Sets grid position
griddx_view Sets grid size
griddy_view Sets grid size
hide_view Removes hidden lines
hsv_to_rgb Converts color values from HSV to RGB
light_off Turns light source off
light_on Turns light source on
msize_view Returns size of model
name_level Names a level
perp_view Sets perspective distance
plot_win Plots to a file
rep_view Repaints view
rgb_to_hsv Converts color values from RGB to HSV
scl_view Scales view
unblank Unblanks an entity
unblank_level Unblanks a level Logo

Varkon 1.19D svn # 120M