VARKON Version 1.15 1997-10-24

global_ref - Function

Makes a reference global


Converts a local reference to a global reference by adding the global identity of the calling module. An optional parameter can be used to exclude one or more levels from the call chain.


global_ref(ref, level)

REF ref;
INT levels;

Principal parameters

ref - A local reference

Optional parameters

levels - Number of levels to skip, default = 0. 0 <= levels <= 9

Return value

A global REF.


Suppose that a certain module has a global identity of ##1#2#3. This would mean that the active module (topmost) has called a module #1 who has called a module #2 who finally has called a module #3. A call chain in 4 levels. The global_ref() function would then return the following if used in #3 when #3 is executing...

global_ref(#4) = ##1#2#3#4
global_ref(#4, 0) = ##1#2#3#4
global_ref(#4, 1) = ##1#2#4
global_ref(#4, 2) = ##1#4
global_ref(#4, 3) = ##4
global_ref(#4, 9) = ##4

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