VARKON Version 1.15 1997-10-24
hide_view - Procedure
Removes hidden lines
Redisplays a view with hidden lines removed and/or writes the image to a plotfile.
hide_view(name, mode, file, origin)
STRING name*15; INT mode; STRING file*132; VECTOR origin;
Principal parameters
name - Name of view to process mode - 1 = Show on display 2 = Write to plotfile 3 = Both at the same time
Optional parameters
file - Name of plotfile if mode = 2 or 3 origin - A model coordinate to be used as the origin of the image in the plotfile
When used on the display (mode = 1 or 2) hide_view is only capable of displaying images in the window with ID = 0 (the main window).
A hidden line image is a "view only" image and can not be used for interactive graphics the same way as the normal wireframe image.