Varkon MBS Programmers manual
Converts color values from the HSV system to RGB. The HSV system uses a base color (the Hue) of specific purity (the Saturation) and brightness (the Value) to create a color. Saturation = 100 means that the color is 100% pure (no white added).
hsv_to_rgb(hue, saturation, value, red, green, blue); int hue; int saturation; int value; int red; int green; int blue;
hue | - Hue, 0 - 360 |
saturation | - Saturation, 0 - 100 |
value | - Value, 0 - 100 |
red | - Red intensity, 0 - 255 |
green | - Green intensity, 0 - 255 |
blue | - Blue intensity, 0 - 255 |
See also:
Varkon 1.19D svn # 120M