
Varkon MBS Programmers manual

inflt - Function


Reads a string from an open file or pipe and converts to a float.


  x:=inflt(f, width);

  float x;
  file  f;
  int   width;

Principal parameters

f - The name of a filevariable associated with a file open for read or update (R or U)

Optional parameters

width - Number of characters to read. If not specified inflt() reads characters as long as they are valid in the conversion to a float value and stops reading on the first occurence of a character that is not valid.

Return value

The FLOAT read.


  With the following line of data:

  "1 2345.6 2E3 ABC"

  consecutive calls to inflt() would read as follows.....

  x:=inflt(f);    => x = 1.0

  x:=inflt(f, 2); => x = 2.0

  x:=inflt(f);    => X = 345.6

  x:=inflt(f);    => x = 2000.0

  x:=inflt(f);    => x = Undefined, error code in iostat()

See also

fval() and iostat() Logo

Varkon 1.19D svn # 120M