Varkon MBS Programmers manual
MBS name | Description |
open | Opens a file |
seek | Sets current position |
fpos | Returns current position |
close | Closes a file |
iostat | Returns file status |
outint | Formatted output of integer |
outflt | Formatted output of float |
outstr | Formatted output of string |
outlin | Outputs end of line |
outbin | Binary output |
inint | Formatted input of int |
inflt | Formatted input of float |
instr | Formatted input of string |
inlin | Reads until end of line |
inbin | Binary input |
unique_filename | Creates a filename |
append_file | Merges two files |
delete_file | Deletes file |
move_file | Renames file |
copy_file | Copies file |
test_file | Checks file permissions |
Varkon 1.19D svn # 120M