VARKON Version 1.16 1998-04-01

infname - Function

Filename selection dialogue


Displays the filename selection dialogue box and waits for input from the mouse or the keyboard.


infname(prompt, default, path, pattern)

STRING prompt;
STRING default:
STRING path;
STRING pattern;

Principal parameters


Optional parameters

prompt - A string to display in the window header. Default = no prompt.
default - A default value to display in the input field. Default = no value.
path - The name of the directory to search. Default = current directory.
pattern - Wildcardstring to restrict selection. Default = all files.

Return value

A STRING of characters. If input is finished by clicking the Okey button infname() will return the contents of the input field. Clicking the Reject button returns a null string "".


name:=infname("Select datafile !", "file1", act_jobdir(), "*.DAT");

Displays a list of ".DAT"-files in the currently active job directory. A default value of "file1" is displayed in the editfield.


infname() does not check that the file returned exists or is accessible. Use test_file() to check for existence or accessability.

If the number of files found is larger than what is possible to display in a single window the file list is truncated and a file named "?????" is added to the end of the list. 100 files or more is usually no problem.

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