
Varkon MBS Programmers manual

User interface routines

MBS name Description
cre_button Creates button
cre_edit Creates edit
cre_fbutton Creates fbutton
cre_ficon Creates ficon
cre_icon Creates icon
cre_men Create menu
cre_win Creates window
del_win Deletes window or subwindow
get_alt Get alternative
get_button Gets button status
get_edit Gets edit string
get_men Get menu
get_pointer Pointer position relative to screen
get_win Gets window data
highlight Turns entity highligt on/off
ident Interactive entity selection
ident_2 Interactive entity selection
infname Filename selection dialogue
inpmt Input string dialogue
lst_exi Close list window
lst_ini Init list window
lst_lin Output lie to list window
pop_men Pop menu
pop_pmt Pops a prompt
pos Pointer position relative to model
pos_2 2 pointer positions relative to model
psh_men Push menu
psh_pmt Pushes a prompt
screen Pointer position relative to window
screen_2 2 pointer positions relative to window
show_win Displays window
texth_win Height of text in pixels
textl_win Length of text in pixels
upd_edit Update edit string
wait_win Waits for event Logo

Varkon 1.19D svn # 120M