VARKON Version 1.15 1997-10-24
inpmt - Function
Input window
Displays the string input dialogue window. A prompt and default value must be supplied.
inpmt(prompt, default, width)
STRING prompt*132; STRING default*132: INT width;
Principal parameters
prompt - The prompt string default - A default value to display in the input field
Optional parameters
width - Maximum number of characters to accept for input, default = 132 (max).
Return value
A STRING of characters. If input is finished by clicking the Okey button inpmt() will return the contents of the input field. Clicking the Reject button returns a null string "".
name:=inpmt("What is your name ?","John",20);
If the prompt stack is not empty when inpmt() is called the topmost prompt will automatically be displayed also in the input dialogue window. This makes it possible to display two lines of text in the input window.