Varkon MBS Programmers manual
Activates a lightsource. Up to 8 light sources may be active at the same time. light_on() can also be used to set the intensity of a light source or to toggle between static mode or follow_model. In static mode the light does not move when the model is scaled, panned or rotated in the OpenGL window. In follow_model mode the lightsource follows the model.
light_on(light, intensity, mode); int light; float intensity; int mode;
light | - Light source number (0-7) |
intensity | - Light intensity in procent. 0 = No light, 100 = Full strength. Default = 100 |
mode | - Static = 0, Light source follows model = 1. Default = 0 |
Turns on lightsource 1 with default values for strength and mode.
Turns on lightsource 0 with 50% intensity and sets the mode to follow_model.
See also:
Varkon 1.19D svn # 120M