
Varkon MBS Programmers manual

plot_win - Procedure


Writes a portion of a graphical window to a plotfile using GKS metafile (.PLT) or AutoCAD format (.DXF).


  plot_win(win_id, minpos, maxpos, file, origin);

  int    win_id;
  vector minpos;
  vector maxpos;
  string file;
  vector origin;

Principal parameters

win_id - The ID of the graphical window. Main graphics window = 0.
minpos - Lower left corner of plot area.
maxpos - Upper right corner of plot area.
file - Name of file followed by ".PLT" or ".DXF". A path may be included.

Optional parameters

origin - The plot origin. Default = minpos.


plot_win() automatically uses a value for curve accuracy twice as high as the value currently active on the display.

plot_win() can only produce GKS or DXF but Varkon also includes translators (plotter drivers) that convert plotfiles to formats like HP-GL or Postscript. Logo

Varkon 1.19D svn # 120M