VARKON Version 1.16 1998-03-24
pos_2 - Procedure
2 pointer positions in model coordinates
Returns 2 positions entered by the user using the pointer (ie. mouse). Both positions are relative to X=Y=0 in the current model. First position is recorded when the button is pressed and second position when the button is released. Different graphical traces or outlines of the pointer motion is available through the mode parameter.
pos_2(p1, p2, mode)
VECTOR p1; VECTOR p2; INT mode;
Principal parameters
p1 - First position p2 - Second position
Optional parameters
mode - 0 = No outline - 1 = Rectangle (Default) - 2 = Dashed line - 3 = Arrow
If the pointer button is released without having moved the pointer, pos_2 returns p1=p2.
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