
Varkon MBS Programmers manual

RAP robot control routines

MBS name Description
rap_infloat Read Rapid num variable to Varkon float
rap_outfloat Write Varkon float to Rapid num variable
rap_inint Read Rapid num variable to Varkon int
rap_outint Write Varkon int to Rapid num variable
rap_inrobtarget Read Rapid robtarget to Varkon variables
rap_outrobtarget Write Varkon variables to Rapid robtarget
rap_injointtarget Read Rapid robtarget to Varkon variables
rap_outjointtarget Write Varkon variables to Rapid robtarget
rap_inspeed Read Rapid speeddata to Varkon float array
rap_outspeed Write Varkon float array to Rapid speeddata
rap_infloatarr Read Rapid num array to Varkon float array
rap_outfloatarr Write Varkon float array to Rapid num array
rap_inrobtarr Read Rapid robtarget array to Varkon arrays
rap_outrobtarr Write Varkon arrays to Rapid robtarget array
rpc_clientcreate Create client for Remote Procedure calls (RPC)
rpc_clientdestroy Destroy RPC client


RAP routines are only available for UNIX platforms when building Varkon from the sources. See $VARKON_ROOT/sources/makefile. Logo

Varkon 1.19D svn # 120M