VARKON Version 1.15 1997-12-22
surface_area - Function
Geometrical function
Returns the area of a surface. Accuracy is controlled by an optional parameter.
surface_area(surface, accuracy)
REF surface; FLOAT accuracy;
Principal parameters
surface - Identity of surface
Optional parameters
accuracy - Maximum relative error. Default is 0.01 = 1 % , i.e.output error is less than 1 % of calculated area
Return value
A FLOAT value equal to the calculated area
Calculates the area of a surface with ID = #4. Default numerical accuracy (1%) is used.
The area is computed by numerical integration. The number of calculations (iterations) is at least two. Smaller and smaller elements (triangles) are used in each iteration and the calculation is ended when the relative change of area between two consecutive iterations is less than the given accuracy, i.e. ( Change of area )/ ( Total area ) < accuracy. The maximum number of iterations is ten (10).
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