Varkon application developers manual
MBS includes a number of high level routines to create windows buttons, icons and input fields and also to manage events from them. Here's a simple example.....
MACRO MODULE show_message(STRING message_text*132); INT main_id,button1_id,button2_id,event_id; BEGINMODULE main_id:=cre_win(vec(20,20),400,200,"APPLICATION MESSAGE"); button1_id:=cre_button(main_id,vec(10,30),20,350,0,message_text); button2_id:=cre_button(main_id,vec(10,150),50,50,5,"Okey"); show_win(main_id); loop: event_id:=wait_win(main_id); if event_id = button2_id then del_win(main_id); exit(); else goto loop; endif; ENDMODULE
This macro creates a window with a message and a button with the text "Okey". When the user presses the Okey button the macro deletes the window and exits.
For more information, see the (TODO:link) section in the MBS manual.
Varkon 1.19D svn # 120M