Varkon application developers manual
A macro is a module of a special type. It is written in MBS and compiled by the MBS compiler. Here is an example:
MACRO MODULE start_editor(STRING file*132 >"Enter filename !"); BEGINMODULE< os("some_text_editor "+file); ENDMODULE
This macro takes a filename as input, then calls the operating system to start a text editor and load the file specified. If you also add a call to this macro in one of your menus you have actually added new functionality to the Varkon user interface. A user will not see the difference between this and functionality provided by the standard system.
In many senses a macro is similar to an ordinary module. An important difference is that a macro does not create a part that is stored in the DB. Also, you can not load a macro to become the active module and edit it interactively. A macro module must be created using the text editor. While ordinary modules themselves make up the model, macros are only used to create it.
Varkon 1.19D svn # 120M