
Varkon MBS Programmers manual

MBS Routines A - B

Name Description Category
abs Absolute value Mathematical
act_adashl Active ADASHL attribute Status
act_afont Active AFONT attribute Status
act_blank Active BLANK attribute Status
act_cacc Active curve accuracy Status
act_cdashl Active CDASHL attribute Status
act_cfont Active CFONT attribute Status
act_csy Active coordinate system Status
act_dasiz Active DASIZ attribute Status
act_dauto Active DAUTO attribute Status
act_dndig Active DNDIG attribute Status
act_dtsiz Active DTSIZ attribute Status
act_grid Active grid status Status
act_gridx Active grid position Status
act_gridy Active grid position Status
act_griddx Active grid spacing Status
act_griddy Active grid spacing Status
act_host Active host name Status
act_jobdir Active job directory Status
act_jobnam Active jobname Status
act_ldashl Active LDASHL attribute Status
act_level Active LEVEL attribute Status
act_lfont Active LFONT attribute Status
act_mattr Active module attribute Status
act_ostype Active OS-type Status
act_pen Active PEN attribute Status
act_pfont Active PFONT attribute Status
act_psize Active PSIZE attribute Status
act_scl Active scale Status
act_svn_version Current SVN version Status
act_tsize Active TSIZE attribute Status
act_tslant Active TSLANT attribute Status
act_twidth Active TWIDTH attribute Status
act_varkon_vers Current Varkon version Status
act_view Activates a view Viewing and graphics
act_width Active WIDTH attribute Status
act_vnam Active view name Status
act_xdashl Active XDASHL attribute Status
act_xfont Active XFONT attribute Status
add_mbs Adds entity or part Module manipulation
adim Angular dimension Create
all_int_lin_sur All intersects line/surface Geometrical
all_int_lin_msur All intersects line/multiple surfaces Geometrical
all_inv_on_sur Inverse on surface, all soutions Geometrical
angle Angle Geometrical
append_file Merges two files File
arc_1pos Arc with one position Create
arc_2pos Arc with 2 positions Create
arc_3pos Arc with 3 positions Create
arc_fil Arc fillet Create
arc_offs Arc offset Create
arccos Arc cos Mathematical
arcl The length of an entity Geometrical
arcsin Arc sine Mathematical
arctan Arc tangent Mathematical
area Area projected by a bounded region Geometrical
ascii Character to integer conversion String
blank Blanks an entity Viewing and graphics
blank_level Blanks a level Viewing and graphics
b_plane Bounded plane Create Logo

Varkon 1.19D svn # 120M