Varkon MBS Programmers manual
Converts an integer to a string with optional formatting and writes the result to an open file or pipe.
outint(f, i, width); file f; int i; int width;
f | - The name of a filevariable associated with a file open for write, append or update (W, A or U) |
i | - The integer to write |
width | - Controls the amount of padding. If width is less than the actual space required no padding |
is performed. If width is larger than the space required the result is padded with blanks. | |
The sign of width controls weather padding is done on the left side of the result (+) or the | |
right side (-). If not specified, width is set to zero = no padding. |
outint(f, 12345) => "12345" outint(f, 12345, 10) => " 12345" outint(f, 12345, -10) => "12345 "
Varkon 1.19D svn # 120M