Varkon MBS Programmers manual
Name | Description | Category |
mesh_arr | Creates a Mesh with array data | Create |
mode_basic | Activates basic coordinate system | Geometrical |
mode_global | Activates global coordinate system | Geometrical |
mode_local | Activates local coordinate system | Geometrical |
move_file | Renames file | File |
msize_view | Returns size of model | Viewing and graphics |
name_level | Names a level | Viewing and graphics |
n_cur_int | Number of intersect curves | Geometrical |
n_intersect | Number of intersect positions | Geometrical |
norm | Normal of entity | Geometrical |
odbc_connect | Starts a database session | ODBC communication |
odbc_exedirect | Executes SQL statement | ODBC communication |
odbc_fetch | Fetches next line | ODBC communication |
odbc_getstring | Returns value | ODBC communication |
odbc_disconnect | Ends a database session | ODBC communication |
odbc_error | Returns error message | ODBC communication |
on | A position on an entity | Geometrical |
open | Opens a file | File |
os | Call os with command | Miscellaneous |
outbin | Binary output | File |
outflt | Formatted output of float | File |
outint | Formatted output of integer | File |
outlin | Outputs end of line | File |
outstr | Formatted output of string | File |
part | Part | Create |
pca | Create 4x4 transformation matrix | Create |
perp_view | Sets perspective distance | Viewing and graphics |
plot_win | Plots to a file | Viewing and graphics |
poi_free | Point free | Create |
poi_proj | Point projected | Create |
pop_men | Pop menu | User interface |
pop_pmt | Pops a prompt | User interface |
pos | Pointer position relative to model | User interface |
pos_2 | 2 pointer positions relative to model | User interface |
pos_mbs | Input position in MBS | Module manipulation |
pos_in_cone | Tests if positions are inside a cone | Geometrical |
psh_men | Push menu | User interface |
psh_pmt | Pushes a prompt | User interface |
putdat_gm | Writes array data into GM | Database |
random | Random number | Mathematical |
rap_infloat | Rapid num to Varkon float | RAP robot control |
rap_outfloat | Varkon float to Rapid num | RAP robot control |
rap_inint | Rapid num to Varkon int | RAP robot control |
rap_outint | Varkon int to Rapid num | RAP robot control |
rap_inrobtarget | Rapid robtarget to Varkon variables | RAP robot control |
rap_outrobtarget | Varkon variables to Rapid robtarget | RAP robot control |
rap_inspeed | Rapid speed data to Varkon float array | RAP robot control |
rap_outspeed | Varkon float array to Rapid speed data | RAP robot control |
rap_infloatarr | Rapid num array to Varkon float array | RAP robot control |
rap_outfloatarr | Varkon float array to Rapid num array | RAP robot control |
rap_inrobtarr | Rapid robtarget array to Varkon arrays | RAP robot control |
rap_outrobtarr | Varkon arrays to Rapid robtarget array | RAP robot control |
rpc_clientcreate | Create RPC client | RPC communication |
rpc_clientdestroy | Destroy RPC client | RPC communication |
rdim | Radius dimension | Create |
refc | Converts integers to ref | Geometrical |
rep_view | Repaints view | Viewing and graphics |
rgb_to_hsv | Converts color values from RGB to HSV | Viewing and graphics |
round | Rounds to nearest int | Mathematical |
rstr | Ref to string conversion | String |
run_mbs | Run active module | Module manipulation |
rval | String to ref conversion | String |
Varkon 1.19D svn # 120M