
Varkon MBS Programmers manual

MBS Routines I - L

Name Description Category
ident Interactive entity selection User interface
ident_2 Interactive entity selection User interface
inbin Binary input File
inflt Formatted input of float File
inint Formatted input of int File
inlin Reads until end of line File
inpmt Input string dialogue User interface
infname Filename selection dialogue User interface
instr Formatted input of string File
intersect Intersect position Geometrical
inv_arcl Inverse arclength Geometrical
inv_curv Inverse curvature Geometrical
inv_on Inverse on Geometrical
inv_on_sur Inverse on surface Geometrical
inv_tang Inverse tangent Geometrical
iostat Returns file status File
ival String to int conversion String
ldim Linear dimension Create
length Number of characters in string String
light_off Turns light source off Viewing and graphics
light_on Turns light source on Viewing and graphics
lin_ang Line with angle Create
lin_free Line free Create
lin_offs Line offset Create
lin_perp Line perpendicular Create
lin_proj Line projected Create
lin_tan1 Line tangent Create
lin_tan2 Line tangent Create
ln Natural logarithm Mathematical
load_dll Loads a dll library Miscellaneous
load_gm Loads GM from file Database
load_pm Loads module from file Module manipulation
load_job Load job Miscellaneous
load_mdf Loads MDF-file Miscellaneous
log Logarithm base ten Mathematical
lst_exi Close list window User interface
lst_ini Init list window User interface
lst_lin Output lie to list window User interface Logo

Varkon 1.19D svn # 120M