Varkon MBS Programmers manual
Name | Description | Category |
ident | Interactive entity selection | User interface |
ident_2 | Interactive entity selection | User interface |
inbin | Binary input | File |
inflt | Formatted input of float | File |
inint | Formatted input of int | File |
inlin | Reads until end of line | File |
inpmt | Input string dialogue | User interface |
infname | Filename selection dialogue | User interface |
instr | Formatted input of string | File |
intersect | Intersect position | Geometrical |
inv_arcl | Inverse arclength | Geometrical |
inv_curv | Inverse curvature | Geometrical |
inv_on | Inverse on | Geometrical |
inv_on_sur | Inverse on surface | Geometrical |
inv_tang | Inverse tangent | Geometrical |
iostat | Returns file status | File |
ival | String to int conversion | String |
ldim | Linear dimension | Create |
length | Number of characters in string | String |
light_off | Turns light source off | Viewing and graphics |
light_on | Turns light source on | Viewing and graphics |
lin_ang | Line with angle | Create |
lin_free | Line free | Create |
lin_offs | Line offset | Create |
lin_perp | Line perpendicular | Create |
lin_proj | Line projected | Create |
lin_tan1 | Line tangent | Create |
lin_tan2 | Line tangent | Create |
ln | Natural logarithm | Mathematical |
load_dll | Loads a dll library | Miscellaneous |
load_gm | Loads GM from file | Database |
load_pm | Loads module from file | Module manipulation |
load_job | Load job | Miscellaneous |
load_mdf | Loads MDF-file | Miscellaneous |
log | Logarithm base ten | Mathematical |
lst_exi | Close list window | User interface |
lst_ini | Init list window | User interface |
lst_lin | Output lie to list window | User interface |
Varkon 1.19D svn # 120M