
Varkon MBS Programmers manual

MBS Routines C - F

Name Description Category
cacc_view Sets curve accuracy Viewing and graphics
call_dll_function Calls function in dll library Miscellaneous
cdim Circular dimension Create
cen_view Moves view Viewing and graphics
centre Centre of curvature Geometrical
cgrav Center of gravity Geometrical
chr Integer to character conversion String
clear_gm Clears GM Database
clear_pm Clears the PM module cache Module manipulation
close Closes a file File
copy_file Copies file File
cos Cosine Mathematical
cre_button Creates button User interface
cre_color Defines RGB-color Viewing and graphics
cre_edit Creates edit User interface
cre_fbutton Creates fbutton User interface
cre_ficon Creates ficon User interface
cre_icon Creates icon User interface
cre_light Creates a light source Viewing and graphics
cre_material Creates a material Viewing and graphics
cre_men Create menu User interface
cre_tstr Create t-string Miscellaneous
cre_view Creates view Viewing and graphics
cre_win Creates window User interface
csys_1p Coordinate system with one position Create
csys_3p Coordinate system with 2 or 3 positions Create
csys_usrdef Coordinate system with matrix Create
cur_approx Curve approximate Create
cur_comp Curve composite Create
cur_comparr Curve composite Create
cur_conic Curve conic Create
cur_conarr Curve conic Create
cur_int Curve intersect Create
cur_iso Curve isoparameter Create
cur_nurbsarr NURBS curve Create
cur_offs Curve offset Create
cur_sil Curve silhouette Create
cur_spline Curve spline Create
cur_splarr Curve spline Create
cur_trim Curve trimmed Create
cur_usrdef Curve user defined Create
curv The curvature of an entity Geometrical
del Deletes entity from GM Database
deldat_gm Deletes array data from GM Database
del_mbs Delete statement Module manipulation
del_win Deletes window or subwindow User interface
delete_file Deletes file File
endp The end position of a line, arc or curve Geometrical
erase_view Erases view Viewing and graphics
eval Evaluate coordinates and derivatives Geometrical
exestat Execution status Miscellaneous
exit Stop execution Miscellaneous
finds Search for substring String
fpos Returns current position File
frac Fractional part Mathematical
fval String to float conversion String Logo

Varkon 1.19D svn # 120M