Varkon MBS Programmers manual
Name | Description | Category |
get_alt | Get alternative | User interface |
get_button | Gets button status | User interface |
get_color | Returns pen RGB value | |
get_edit | Gets edit string | User interface |
get_environment | Evaluate environment parameter | Miscellaneous |
getdat_gm | Reads array data from GM | Database |
get_level | Returns level data | Viewing and graphics |
get_light | Returns lightsource data | Viewing and graphics |
get_material | Get material | Viewing and graphics |
get_men | Get menu | User interface |
get_next_gm | Searces GM for entity | Database |
get_tstr | Get t-string | Miscellaneous |
get_view | Returns view data | Viewing and graphics |
getwidth | Gets WIDTH attribute | Database |
get_win | Gets window data | User interface |
get_pointer | Get current pointer position | User interface |
getadm | Gets adim | Database |
getarc | Gets arc | Database |
getbpl | Gets b_plan | Database |
getcdm | Gets cdim | Database |
getcsy | Gets coordinate system | Database |
getcubp | Gets bicubic patch | Database |
getcurh | Gets curve header | Database |
getface | Gets a face | Database |
getflt | Gets float parameter | Database |
getgrp | Gets group | Database |
gethdr | Gets entity header | Database |
gethedge | Gets a half edge | Database |
getint | Gets int parameter | Database |
getldm | Gets ldim | Database |
getlin | Gets line | Database |
getxfloat | Gets mesh xfloats | Database |
getmshh | Gets mesh header | Database |
getp_mbs | Get parameter | Module manipulation |
getpoi | Gets point | Database |
getprt | Gets part header | Database |
getrdm | Gets rdim | Database |
getref | Gets ref prameter | Databases |
getseg | Gets segment | Database |
getstr | Gets string parameter | Database |
getsurh | Gets surface header | Database |
gettopp | Gets topological patch | Database |
gettrf | Gets transformation | Database |
gettxt | Gets text | Database |
gettyp | Gets parameter type | Database |
getvec | Gets vector parameter | Database |
getvertex | Gets a vertex | Database |
getxht | Gets xhatch | Database |
global_ref | Creates global reference | Geometrical |
grid_view | Turns grid on/off | Viewing and graphics |
griddx_view | Sets grid size | Viewing and graphics |
griddy_view | Sets grid size | Viewing and graphics |
gridx_view | Sets grid position | Viewing and graphics |
gridy_view | Sets grid position | Viewing and graphics |
group | Group | Create |
hide_view | Removes hidden lines | Viewing and graphics |
highlight | Turns entity highlight on/off | User interface |
hsv_to_rgb | Converts color values from HSV to RGB | Viewing and graphics |
Varkon 1.19D svn # 120M